Retro Dev Wiki

DeveloperPixels is a RetroStudio Player/Developer


DeveloperPixels is known as the creator of "Snowy Place!", "Outside is raining" and "Pixels' natural disaster survival". He is also the owner of He is also known for his high-quality free models.

At 9/29/2021 at around 9:20 PM EST, DeveloperPixels left Retrostudio and Retro Dev.

Departure reasons[]

  • The reasons why DeveloperPixels originally left Retrostudio and Retro Dev was because of a meme with a caption saying "DeveloperPixels", and a GIF at the bottom depicting a man talking into a wall, which was sent in the Retro Dev Discord Server.
  • According to Presleygamer617, DeveloperPixels has said he was leaving because "he got constantly harassed cuz of wearing stitch face and the toxicity of the community" - Presleygamer617.

Final Ban[]

DevPixels got banned from Retro Dev for raiding a Retro Dev Fan Discord Server called "RetroProtogens", owned by Thomasluigi07, with a bot called "Fanbot" with a pfp that was using Fanboy's (birdmartinyt) Discord pfp, the bot got deleted after the raid ended.

After he got banned from RetroProtogens, Fanboy reported the situation to Retro Dev admins, and due to this DevPixels got the final strike and forever got banned from the official Retro Dev server. He can no longer appeal due to him appealing before for abusing threads.

His Next Chapter[]

Before he got banned on Retro Dev, DevPixels has making a Roblox revival that is inspired from Retro Dev, there are two versions, "PixelsBlox" and "PixelsCreators" (Please change the last name to the official name, i forgot).

Now that DevPixels is banned from Retro Dev server, hes now mostly working for his revival.


  • He was obsessed with AyRay until he got banned.
